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品牌: 长益
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-01-14 16:57
浏览次数: 159




客户公司输送带因滚筒表面黏结物太多造成皮带突然断裂,盾构渣土皮带机作业过程中,皮带清扫器的使用非常重要,这主要是由地下渣土的特性所决定,地下渣土有泥土和砂石等构成, 含有水分,其湿度和黏度都很大,皮带机运行过程中,皮带表面会黏结,如清扫不彻底,就对设备运行安全产生影响,黏结的砂石泥土一旦卷入皮带滚筒,包裹在滚筒表面形成厚度不均匀的硬块,改变滚筒的直径和外形,积累到一定的程度,必将引起皮带机损伤,设置会造成皮带撕裂等重大损伤事故。

长益公司把皮带清扫器作为一项专门的技术来研究,为了保证清扫效果,研制出碳化钨刀头刮泥板。刮刀采用聚氨酯柔性材料,具有高耐磨,耐冲击及良好的柔韧性等优点;刮刀刀头部分采用碳化钨钢材质,它高硬度,耐高温,耐腐蚀,不锈等优点。在盾构渣土皮带机实际作业中, 会时常有诸如带有温度、有菱角的砂石,或湿的泥土等,一旦卡进清扫器,刮刀因为是聚氨酯材质,它会有一定缓冲作业,避免直接划伤皮带或损坏清扫器,碳化钨钢部分又会轻松刮去这些物料,保持皮带表面清洁,从而提高系统运行的安全性,降低设备故障,提高设备可利用率。



The need to use Changyi polyurethane scraper in the shield industry

Dongguan Changyi New Materials Co., Ltd. Website: cynew.com

(Please consult customer service staff for the price.) 

 During the operation of the belt conveyor, the surface of the belt will stick. If the cleaning is not thorough, it will affect the operation safety of the equipment. once the bonded sand and gravel soil is involved The belt roller is wrapped around the surface of the drum to form a hard block with uneven thickness. Changing the diameter and shape of the drum and accumulating it to a certain extent will inevitably cause damage to the belt conveyor, which may cause major damage such as tearing of the belt.

Changyi Company studied the belt cleaner as a special technology. In order to ensure the cleaning effect, a tungsten carbide cutter head scraper was developed. The scraper is made of polyurethane flexible material, which has the advantages of high wear resistance, impact resistance and good flexibility. The scraper head is made of tungsten carbide steel, which has the advantages of high hardness, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and stainless steel. In the actual operation of the shield muck belt conveyor, there are often sandstones with temperature, water chestnuts, or wet soil. once stuck into the sweeper, the scraper will have a certain buffering operation because it is made of polyurethane. Avoid directly scratching the belt or damaging the cleaner. The tungsten carbide steel part can easily scrape off these materials and keep the belt surface clean, thus improving the safety of the system operation, reducing equipment failure and improving equipment availability.

The tungsten carbide steel belt cleaner developed by Changyi Company helps customers solve the practical problems in the operation of the belt conveyor. Since the customer used Changyi Cleaner for more than a year, the application of the equipment has been very stableThe product really good and bad needs the end user experience to have the final say.


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